Environmental Policy
This environmental policy is intended to provide clear and robust voluntary minimum standards for sustainability for all involved in Glasgow Coffee Festival (GCF) - event organisers, exhibitors, suppliers and venue. It represents a science-based approach aligned with all relevant frameworks and initiatives where possible - global, local and sector specific.
GCF’s mission is to deliver exceptional coffee festivals in Glasgow that make a positive contribution to society and our shared future. We are committed to manage our operations with pioneering environmental practices and social responsibility at their core. We strive toward playing a leadership role, inspiring audiences and the wider coffee & festival community to make positive changes that contribute to a liveable future on the planet.
These minimum standards are expected to provide clear support for all actions. It is understood that relevance varies depending on involvement. The GCF intends to adhere to the following principles:
We need to act urgently regarding the climate crisis
We will act based on evidence - scientific research and industry knowledge
We are in this together - we commit to knowledge sharing within the industry
We will be transparent and will report annually our impact
We will be ambitious and realistic, accepting that not all climate-positive decisions will provide a cost benefit in the short term, and striving to improve year on year
We are committed to having the lowest possible negative impact to the environment, and endeavour to make a net positive contribution for our emissions. Whilst we see compensation not as a solution we do want to invest in climate protection.
Overall Aim
To adhere to these principles we set ourselves the following target.
Commit to a minimum reduction in greenhouse gases of 50% by 2030* (Scope 1,2 & 3)
*Baseline year 2023 of data available
This breaks down to the following objectives:
Actively measuring and monitoring environmental impacts
Minimising the overall carbon (CO2e) impact(s)
Reducing waste and managing disposal responsibly
Reducing supply chain impacts of all types
Inspire positive change in behaviour with audiences, exhibitors, supply chain, partners and sponsors, staff and local community
Develop partnerships and/or creative programming on environment and climate themes
We identified that our festival has several key areas of negative impacts including:
Audience, exhibitor and contractor travel
Energy and fuel consumption
Waste production and management
Coffee supply chain and sourcing
GCF recognises that reducing impacts is an on-going process of improvement, and that resource and budget constraints will necessitate a pragmatic approach and prioritisation. However, we are committed to a process of reviewing our performance annually in order to identify successes and improvements, informing changes to strategy.
This Environmental Policy will be brought to the attention of GCF Team and made publicly available on the GCF website. This should be read in conjunction with your contract.
GCF Team is committed to review this policy annually with a reconfirmation.
We are all in this together.
With best regards,
The GCF Team
Following closely to industry standards by the Green Events Code of Conduct and Kambe’s Environmental Policy.